關於俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場(About Systema Taipei)

俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場Systema Taipei成立於2006年,最早只是幾個同好固定於假日聚會,一起練習西斯特瑪systema的一個私人團體。團體成員每年會出國幾次參加海外的systema seminar(大部份是日本),而在回國後將seminar的練習內容花幾個月的時間一起消化。在這樣運作的同時,團體中的成員也常常在網路上發表關於systema的知識以及練習的心得。轉眼間這樣的日子也過了五年,在這五年當中聽到了許多想要更了解systema的聲音,但出於尊重,在沒有得到認證之前團體並沒有公開練習的計畫。

而在因緣際會之下,西斯特瑪台北道場在2011年得到西斯特瑪Systema 創始人Mikhail Ryabko的許可及認證,也因此開始了正式與其他朋友一起分享西斯特瑪systema這項特別技藝的計畫。



這也是俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場Systema Taipei希望散播的一個理念:沒有秘密、沒有極限。

Systema Taipei was established in 2006, at very beginning it was just a private training group within few enthusiasts gathering together to practice Systema. Group members go abroad once or several times a year to participate Systema seminars (mostly Japan), then back to Taiwan and spent months to practice and digest the contents of the seminar. On the meantime, group members often published Systema related knowledge and practice hint on the Internet (written in Chinese).  

In 2011, Systema Taipei got the permission and certification from the founder of Systema: Mikhail Ryabko, to share the art in Taiwan.  Thus, Systema Taipei became the only official Systema School  in Taiwan which is certified and recognized to teach Systema as presented by Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev.

We would like to emphasize the study of Systema is: no secrets, no limits, and the only possible limit is your imaginationAs a result, to those who willing to join us, we are very happy to share what we know about the art. Since we believe: sharing will not let you know fewer, but will let you get more.

This is the idea that Systema Taipei would like to spread: no secrets, no limits.