俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場除了疫情期間之外,每年都會邀請莫斯科總部或是加拿大總部的指導員來台灣,讓沒有時間出國參加研習會的同學以及同好們可以不用週車勞頓而直接在地得到總部指導員的指導。今年八月我們邀請了西斯特瑪創始者Mikhail Ryabko的兒子:Daniil Ryabko,來台灣給予我們三天的教學(一個兩小時的小課以及兩天12小時的研習會)。Daniil上次來台灣是2018年,沒想到一恍眼就等到2024才再有機會邀請他來台灣。
這次研習會的主題是「力量、放鬆以及內在」(power, relaxation and internal)。除了台灣本地的參加者之外,其他還有來自於日本、香港以及義大利的朋友。
關於力量,這來源於放鬆,當然和內在也有關係。Daniil示範了不給支撐、放鬆、clean mind這些原則如何體現在動作當中。
研習會的訓練時間之外,Daniil還幫我們的一些同學做了Stick massage,同學的回饋都很不錯,做完後表情都完全的不一樣。我自己發現到做完幾天後身體的整體力量有提昇、身體的平衡也變好、同時心情上也變得很放鬆。

Except during the pandemic, we invite instructors from Moscow headquarters or Toronto headquarters to Taiwan every year, so that students and enthusiasts who do not have the time to travel abroad for seminars can receive guidance from headquarters instructors right here locally without the need to travel. This August, we invited Daniil Ryabko, the son of Systema founder Mikhail Ryabko, to Taiwan for three days of teaching (one two-hour small class and two days of total 12-hour seminars). Daniil last visited Taiwan in 2018, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to invite him back in 2024.
The theme of this seminar was "Power, Relaxation, and Internal." In addition to participants from Taiwan, we also had friends from Japan, Hong Kong, and Italy.
Systema is simple, but at the same time, it is difficult. This was what Daniil told us at the beginning of the seminar. The simplicity of Systema lies in its natural movements; its difficulty lies in our habit of complicating everything with our minds. Keeping a clear mind was Daniil's advice to us right from the start of the practice.
As usual, the seminar started with walking circles while breathing, using different angles of the arms to perceive the corresponding tension in the body and exploring how to remove this tension. This is the part of the theme related to relaxation. It seems simple, but after Daniil demonstrated how these basic exercises lead to high-quality movements, no one would think it's easy.
These seemingly basic and mundane exercises are given to us by Mikhail; they are tools for us to explore. All advanced movements naturally emerge from these inconspicuous exercises. During my visit to the Moscow headquarters this year, Big Sasha also told me: "Many people are eager to practice those fancy or advanced movements, but actually, everything is in the basic exercises. If the basic exercises are done well, those fancy and advanced movements will naturally come out."
During the seminar, I took the opportunity to ask Daniil some questions about the “second breathing”. He replied that the second breathing is a breathing bring movement, movement bring breathing, and eventually, the two merge into one. I asked how to achieve this breathing, and he said he had asked his father the same question, and his father replied that this breathing would come out on its own. This answer, though somewhat speechless, also gave me some comfort. Because this is indeed how Mikhail teaches, and this is how Daniil teaches as well. They show you what to do, and it is our responsibility to explore what we see through these basic exercises they give us.
Mikhail and Daniil do not talk much about theory; they just directly demonstrate what you should do and give you advice based on your performance. Because these things are our inherent instincts, similar to how a baby learns to walk: a baby's instincts allow it to turn over, sit up, stand, walk, and run through its observation of the external world. There are even some YouTube videos where you can see interactions between puppies and babies, where puppies demonstrate how to do certain movements to the baby. This does not require theoretical explanation.
Systema training generally proceeds from large to small movements, from far to near distances, and from slow to fast speeds. The so-called large to small movements mean starting the practice by finding the body's large movement responses, carefully observing and removing tension from the body and mind, then transitioning from explicit movements to more internalized ones, and finally achieving movements that are invisible but effective. This relates to the "internal" aspect of our seminar theme.
Regarding speed from slow to fast, Daniil said, "If you can do movements slowly, then doing them fast will not be a problem," which comes from the quality of the movements.
Regarding power, it comes from relaxation and, of course, relates to the internal aspect as well. Daniil demonstrated how principles like non-supporting, relaxation, and a clean mind manifest in movements. When sparring with Daniil, for example, when gripping his arm tightly, I found that I couldn't exert my strength. From the contact, I could tell that Daniil was not simply powerless. While I could feel his strength, I couldn't find a point to apply my own force.
Outside of seminar training, Daniil also performed stick massages for some of our students, and the feedback was excellent. After the massages, their expressions were completely different. I found that a few days after the massage, my overall body strength had improved, my balance had improved, and my mood had become very relaxed.
I am truly grateful for Daniil's guidance this time, thankful for the participants in this seminar, and grateful to our Systema Taipei CEO for coordinating this seminar. Without all this, we wouldn't have had such a successful seminar.
Next, Daniil will be holding seminars in Turkey in September and in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan, in October. Interested friends are welcome to participate. Here are the registration details:
Daniil's seminar in Turkey in September
Daniil's seminar in Osaka in October
Daniil's seminar in Tokyo in October