Systema training does not follow a specific curriculum or fixed practice routines. Practitioners of different levels train together, sharing experiences and growing together, which is a significant feature of Systema's teaching and practice. Those who are interested in training with us are welcome to attend a trial lesson, which is normally priced at NT$1,000 but is currently offered for free (by appointment only and not open for observation). Please apply for the trial lesson through the email or online form on our website, and confirmation of availability will be sent to you. Systema Taipei has limited human resources, so please contact us via email for any questions or concerns. We do not provide phone or other forms of contact. Also, please ensure that you provide the correct email address in your application, or else you may not receive any reply from us. If you have provided the correct email address but have not received a reply, please check your email's spam folder as it may have been filtered by your email server.一般課程時間: 每星期一及四晚上七點至八點三十分。(有可能臨時停課或改時間,請參考官網右側之時間表,點擊上課時間可以得到上課地點資訊)
Regular Class: Every Monday and Thursday 1900-2030. (Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled temporarily, please refer to the schedule on the right side of our official website. Click on the class time to get the location information.)
(註:Systema Taipei之課程本為一星期一堂課,目前之一星期兩堂課的課表是為鼓勵Systema Taipei會員多參加練習之特別安排)
(Note: The original Systema Taipei course was one class per week. The current schedule of two classes per week is a special arrangement to encourage Systema Taipei members to practice more.)
Photo of the Venue:
MRT stations: Songshan Airport Station or Nanjing Sanmin Station
Train station: Songshan Station.
為了可以讓更多的朋友認識SYSTEMA,SYSTEMA TAIPEI在一般課程時間(星期一或四)提供原價1000目前免費之體驗課(每人僅限1次,若報名體驗課後無法參加請記得通知,否則將失去免費體驗之機會);另俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場保留同意與否權利),名額有限,請填寫體驗課申請表或email:systemataipei@gmail.com告知參加人數及時間,並得到回覆確認是否尚有體驗課名額。
About the trail lesson:
5. Please attend the trial lesson on time and inform in advance if unable to attend. Failure to do so will result in the loss of eligibility for the free trial lesson.Regular Class: Every Monday and Thursday 1900-2030. (Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled temporarily, please refer to the schedule on the right side of our official website. Click on the class time to get the location information.)
(註:Systema Taipei之課程本為一星期一堂課,目前之一星期兩堂課的課表是為鼓勵Systema Taipei會員多參加練習之特別安排)
(Note: The original Systema Taipei course was one class per week. The current schedule of two classes per week is a special arrangement to encourage Systema Taipei members to practice more.)
Photo of the Venue:
Monday: Ziqian District Community Center ( 1F, No.9, Alley 35, Rd. SanMin, Sonshan District, Taipei city) The Google map link is attached as followed : https://goo.gl/maps/ fi4TwbzEshP2
(僅於課程時間使用。 Only open during lesson hour)===========================================================
MRT stations: Songshan Airport Station or Nanjing Sanmin Station
Train station: Songshan Station.
為了可以讓更多的朋友認識SYSTEMA,SYSTEMA TAIPEI在一般課程時間(星期一或四)提供原價1000目前免費之體驗課(每人僅限1次,若報名體驗課後無法參加請記得通知,否則將失去免費體驗之機會);另俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場保留同意與否權利),名額有限,請填寫體驗課申請表或email:systemataipei@gmail.com告知參加人數及時間,並得到回覆確認是否尚有體驗課名額。
About the trail lesson:
In order to introduce SYSTEMA to more friends, SYSTEMA TAIPEI offers a currently free trail lesson (limited to one per person) during regular class times (Mondays or Thursdays) with an original price of 1000 NT. If you are unable to attend after registering for the trail lesson, please remember to notify us, otherwise you will lose the opportunity for the free experience. The Systema Taipei reserves the right to accept or decline the application. As spaces are limited, please fill out the trail lesson application form or email systemataipei@gmail.com to inform us of the number of participants and the desired time. We will reply to confirm if there are still available spots for the trail lesson. If you have any questions, please email us and we will respond as soon as possible.
1. Please prepare indoor training shoes (or barefoot for training) and fresh water.
2. Venue is not open to visitors, however, we offer trial lesson for those who are interested in Systema. Please email:systemataipei@gmail.com to inform us (name, how many person and the date), after we received the application we will inform you about the application result (ok or not)via email . And if the date for the trail lesson you applied is not on our regular class schedule, there won't be any response.
3. Those who participate in Systema Taipei activities required to complete Systema Taipei Declaration, to protect each others' interests.
4. During the class, the main language used is Mandarine Chinese. Foreign participants need basic oral capability of Chinese for communication.
- 練習時請著室內鞋或赤腳,耐髒衣物。
- 練習時場地不開放參觀,欲參加體驗課朋友請至少在體驗課之三天前以EMAIL申請,並得到回覆確認,若提出申請三天內未收到回覆請再次以email確認(若申請之時間非上課時段,將不會有任何回覆;另若電子信箱地址填寫錯誤也不會有任何回覆)。
- 請自備茶水並適時補充水份。
- 參加俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場Systema Taipei活動朋友需填寫Systema Taipei活動參加聲明書(未成年參加者需取得監護者同意並簽名),以保障彼此權益。
- 請準時參加體驗課,臨時無法參加亦請事前告知,否則將失去免費體驗課之參加資格。
- 俄羅斯武術西斯特瑪台北道場保留體驗課參加之同意與否權利。
1. Please prepare indoor training shoes (or barefoot for training) and fresh water.
2. Venue is not open to visitors, however, we offer trial lesson for those who are interested in Systema. Please email:systemataipei@gmail.com to inform us (name, how many person and the date), after we received the application we will inform you about the application result (ok or not)via email . And if the date for the trail lesson you applied is not on our regular class schedule, there won't be any response.
3. Those who participate in Systema Taipei activities required to complete Systema Taipei Declaration, to protect each others' interests.
4. During the class, the main language used is Mandarine Chinese. Foreign participants need basic oral capability of Chinese for communication.
6. Systema Taipei reserves the right to approve or decline participation in the trial lesson.